Self Love

21 Journal Prompts for Self Love

self love, self discovery, journaling, journal prompts, happiness

Feeling disconnected from yourself? We’re human. It happens.

Honestly, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. If you asked every person on the planet, I know 100% they would say they have been there at some point in their life.

We live in a world where standards are set. We are told who we should be, how we should look, and what we should believe in. It’s incredibly frustrating when we fall into the trap of believing what society told us.

The problem with this, is that not one person is the same. We can try to fit in our whole lives, and never get there.

How sad is it that some people live their whole lives trying to live up to expectations, and never live a day of happiness in their lives.

Regardless of where you are in this present moment, take time to know the importance of self love.

It’s never too late or too early to start this practice of self discovery.

self love, self discovery, journaling, happiness, journal prompts

The Importance of Journaling

Journaling is an effective way to dive into your emotions, and figure yourself out as a person.

It not only improves your mindset, but it’s a healthy outlet for self discovery.

This practice helps us get a clear picture of what we want out of this life.

self love, self discovery, journaling, happiness, journal prompts

When first starting this practice, it can be overwhelming. When sitting down and staring at a blank paper, it’s hard to know where to start.

I actually started my journey on Pinterest. Women’s Meditation Network was one of the first places I found inspiration to start this journey.

That’s why I’ve created a list of 21 self love journal prompts to start your practice of self discovery.

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    21 Self Love Journal Prompts

    1. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
    2. Where do you feel most at home and why?
    3. How do you wish other people described you?
    4. When is the last time you did something that scared you?
    5. What is a goal you have for your future self?
    6. Name 3 things you love about your life right now.
    7. What do you need more of in your life right now? More connection, love, creativity, or anything else?
    8. If money was not a factor, how would you spend a day off from work or school?
    9. How have you grown from past relationships?
    10. What makes you a great friend?
    11. What do you need to let go of, in order to move forward?
    12. How can you make yourself a priority today?
    13. What is one belief that may be holding you back? How can you challenge that belief?
    14. What’s something you spend money on that brings you joy?
    15. When is the last time someone did something thoughtful for you? How did it make you feel?
    16. What role do you play in your family? How would your family describe you?
    17. What’s one thing you can incorporate in your daily life that will bring you happiness?
    18. What do you want the next 5 years of your life to look like?
    19. If you wrote yourself a love letter, what would it look like?
    20. When was the last time you made a positive impact on someone’s life? How did it make you feel?
    21. Do you believe you are worthy of happiness? Why or why not?
    self love, self discovery, journaling, happiness, journal prompts

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