
52 Journal Prompts for Daily Gratitude

gratitude journal, thankful, mindfulness, self care

Do you find yourself in a cycle of negativity, unable to be happy?

It sucks. I know. But pick yourself up and live your life in peace and gratitude.

Easier said than done, right?

Research has said being happy and having a grateful heart are directly related.

So, the key to happiness… a grateful heart.

Get Your 30 Day Gratitude Challenge Worksheet

Start your journey of gratitude and self discovery

    If you want to dive into the importance of gratitude, check out my post The Importance of Gratitude

    gratitude journal, thankful, mindfulness, self care

    *Disclaimer– This post contains affiliate links, meaning if you decide to purchase one of my recommended items I receive a small commission, but at no extra cost to you! Check out the full disclaimer here

    Why Journal?

    While making a gratitude journal, it helps us calm our hearts and improving your well-being throughout the day.

    There’s never a bad time to journal.

    If you do it in the morning, it will help you start the day off right.

    If you choose to journal at night (like I do), it’s a great time for a daily reflection.

    Journal at random times in the day? You are allowing yourself to take a pause, reflect, and refresh your mindset. Showing yourself kindness.

    Just pick the times you need it most and find your groove.

    All you have to do is start and give yourself kindness.

    52 Journals Prompts Daily Gratitude

    When I started my gratitude journey, journaling was an important step. And it still is.

    Gratitude journaling is only the beginning. If you love personal growth, Mello Woman is another creator that writes about personal growth, wellness, journaling, and inspiration.

    Truly inspiring when I first started my gratitude journey. And she writes more about different types of journaling ideas

    Let’s get into those journal prompts!

    gratitude journal, thankful, mindfulness, self care
    • What are you grateful for when you wake up in the morning?
    • How do you feel when you look outside the window?
    • How grateful are you when you eat breakfast in the morning?
    • What are 3 things in your life that are going great?
    • Name a person in your life who makes kind gestures to you without caring for a favor.
    • What are 3 things that you love about your family?
    • What are the five positive things that took place in your life last year?
    • What are the three things that make you happy while traveling?
    • What is the most important thing you love about your work?
    • What are the five things that make you thankful to the Universe?
    • What are the three things that you love about your country?
    • Name an incident that recently made you smile.
    • What do you love about your culture?
    • What are the aspects of you that make you feel beautiful?
    • How grateful are you for your health?
    • What’s one thing that made you smile today?
    • What’s a favorite memory that always warms your heart?
    • Name a way someone has supported you recently.
    • Write about a recent adventure that brought you happiness.
    • Who is a family member you’re thankful for and why?
    • Write about a positive change or growth in your life.
    • Write about a recent act of kindness you’ve done for someone else.
    • Write about a time when you overcame a fear and what it taught you.
    • What is an act of kindness you have done for yourself recently?
    • Write about an experience that expanded your cultural horizons.
    • Thank a colleague who made your workday brighter.
    • Write about the beauty of a specific place in nature that you’ve visited.
    • Write about a favorite memory with a grandparent.
    gratitude journal, thankful, mindfulness, self care
    • Reflect on a situation where someone showed you genuine empathy.
    • Write about a spiritual or philosophical concept that brings you peace.
    • Express gratitude for the power of forgiveness and its impact on your life.
    • Be grateful for your unique qualities and the perspective you bring to the world.
    • What is your best skill?
    • What knowledge are you grateful for?
    • What’s something positive in your life that you didn’t have a year ago?
    • What smell are you most grateful for?
    • Name something or someone that makes you feel safe.
    • What do you like about your job/school?
    • List all the people that have a positive affect on your life.
    • What’s something about your home that you’re thankful for?
    • What’s a book, movie, or song that’s had a positive impact on you?
    • Describe a delicious meal you’ve recently enjoyed.
    • What’s a hobby or interest that brings you joy?
    • Write about a teacher or mentor who influenced your life positively.
    • Express gratitude for a pet or animal that brings joy to your life.
    • Express gratitude for the beauty of nature, like flowers or a clear sky.
    • What’s a daily ritual that brings you comfort or joy?
    • Name a positive affirmation or mantra that inspires you.
    • Express gratitude for the flexibility or work-life balance in your job.
    gratitude journal, thankful, mindfulness, self care
    • Write about a mistake or setback you’ve experienced recently and focus on the lessons learned as well as the potential for growth.
    • Envision your ideal future self. What habits, skills, or mindset shifts can you start cultivating today to move you closer toward that version of you?
    • What are 10 things you’re grateful for in your life right now?

    Get Your 30 Day Gratitude Challenge Worksheet

    Start your journey of gratitude and self discovery

      Want more ideas to practice gratitude? Check out 5 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

      Have you practiced journaling with gratitude? If you enjoyed this post, please share!