
5 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

gratitude, happiness, lifestyle, mindfulness, thankful

Why Practice Gratitude?

Gratitude comes in many different forms. It’s easy to get overwhelmed about where to start, but as long as you start somewhere, you’re on the right track! I find it’s easy to just pick one, and see where it takes you.

Gratitude is just another word for appreciation. No matter where you are in life, good times or bad, practicing thankfulness is one of the most important things you can do.

Gratitude shifts your mindset. Instead of seeing the bad day, focus on the one good thing. Focus on the now… not tomorrow or the past. It was hard for me to accept at first, but focusing on the present moment instead of what did or could happen, sparks appreciation and mindfulness.

Gratitude is not...

  • Being grateful is not ignoring the bad things happening in your life
  • Gratitude is not another word for ignorance
  • Gratitude is not pushing away your other emotions such as sadness, anger, anxiety, etc.
  • Just because you’re not grateful today doesn’t make you a bad person- every day will look different in your gratitude journey
  • Gratitude is not constant happiness

Get Your 30 Day Gratitude Challenge Worksheet

Start your journey of gratitude and self discovery

    Want to know more about the importance of gratitude? Check out my recent post The Importance of Gratitude

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    5 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

    gratitude, happiness, lifestyle, mindfulness, thankful

    1. Daily Gratitude Journal

    If you couldn’t tell, being a blogger is my passion. Writing and creating inspiring content brings me happiness. So it would only make sense that I love journaling. About 2 months ago I started a gratitude journal, and it’s something I practice daily.

    Even if you’re not a fan of journaling, writing a physical list of what you’re thankful for puts life into perspective. It highlights the good moments. 

    Writing what you’re thankful for puts us in a gratitude mindset. We force our minds to see the good side of things despite the crappy things that may be happening around us.

    When I first started this practice, I used the 5MinuteGratitudeJournal

    It’s a very quick, daily reflection. Now, I use a blank journal because I found my own process, but this is a great place to start!

    2. Get Rid of Complaining

    One of the first things I had to accept was that thoughts and words have power. They must be used effectively.

    It’s important to try and use every moment to practice gratitude, not just when something good happens. When you feel like complaining, do a hard reset in perspective.

    “What is the lesson I’m supposed to learn from this situation?” This practice may be extremely difficult at first, but I promise it only gets easier!

    If you enjoy reading, I recommend PositivePerspectives It’s great if you feel stuck in a cycle of negativity. Personally, I don’t enjoy reading books often, but I did enjoy the outlook this book portrayed.

    3. Be Thankful for the People You Allow in Your Life

    Nothing is better than realizing you are surrounded by amazing people. If this isn’t the case for you, change that!

    The people we allow in our life affect us in a major way. Choose to be around people that lift you up. Be selective with who you allow in your life.

    ThePowerofFriends is the next book on my reading list. It’s going to give an in-depth look at how people we surround ourselves with affect everything we feel, think, and do.

    With a great support system, we only become better people. Make sure they know you appreciate them. Share the love. Say thank you. Make the world a beautiful place to live in.

    Get Your 30 Day Gratitude Challenge Worksheet

    Start your journey of gratitude and self discovery

      4. Appreciate the Little Things

      Sometimes life is boring and repetitive, and that’s okay. It’s the Earth’s way of showing us that we still have much to be grateful for. In these dull times, put life on pause for 5 minutes. Let your mind wander and think of all the things you have right now that are important to you.

      Sometimes I’ll be at work for the fourth day in a row, and all I want to do is go home. When this happens (which is often), I go outside and focus on the sounds I hear. I make a list of things I’m happy I have in my life. I’ll give you an example…

      • I’m thankful for this cold breeze that calms my heart rate.
      • I’m thankful for the sun that’s bathing my skin.
      • I’m thankful for my creativity and dreams and the opportunity to turn them into a reality.
      • I’m thankful for these 5 minutes I have to focus on myself.

      It’s the small things that make us better people. There’s so many things we can be thankful for, but a lot of people focus on what we want or don’t have. It’s time to change that!

      5. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

      Doing something nice for someone not only makes them feel better, but it makes us feel better too. It’s kind of a selfless, selfish act all in one. This is probably the easiest way to show friends (and complete strangers) that you care for and appreciate them.

      When practicing gratitude, you must understand the importance of being kind to other people. I made a list of FREE acts of kindness you can do anytime!

      • Hold the door open for a stranger
      • Compliment a stranger (glasses, clothes, hair, etc.)
      • Let someone go ahead of you in line
      • Offer words of encouragement

      There’s so many more, but as long as you start somewhere, you’re on the right track!

      gratitude, happiness, lifestyle, mindfulness, thankful


      There’s so many other ways you can practice gratitude and start changing your life. These are the simple ones I still practice daily, and it’s a great place to start.


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