Self Love

10 Ways to Practice Self Love

self love, self discovery, self growth, happiness, positivity

Self love is an important part of our mental health journey.

The practice of self love fills our cup and changes our focus on life. Without it, you may feel lost.

When I first started this journey, I felt more happiness and contentment than I’ve felt since childhood. You’ll find that you’re better able to handle everyday stressors life throws at us.

There’s many ways to get started on your self love journey. I’ve made a list of my top 10 ways I practice in my daily life.

If you want to learn more about the importance of self love, Twins & Coffee does a deep dive of loving yourself from the ground up. Such an inspiring read.

self love, self discovery, self growth, happiness, positivity

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10 Ways to Practice Self Love

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    1. Keep a Journal

    Journaling is a great way to get all your stressors in front of you and declutter the many thoughts you may have in your head.

    Get a DedicatedJournal, and keep track of your thought patterns and daily mood.

    2. Dedicate 1 Hour a Day to Yourself

    There are 24 hours in a day, and it’s shocking how taking one hour to yourself can inspire so much self growth.

    Dedicate 1 hour a day to yourself and your personal growth. Be selfish, and take the time you deserve.

    3. Declutter and Organize Your Space

    Your personal space and home should be a reflection of your goals.

    It’s important to show yourself respect and provide a comfortable space to live in. Notice how you feel when your home is a clean, safe space.

    Want more on the importance of decluttering your life? Check out this book about DeclutteringYourLife

    4. Practice Positive Affirmations

    This is one of the most important practices you can do anywhere, anytime.

    Define what you truly want from this life, and speak them into existence!

    Check out 25 Gratitude Affirmations To Find Your Happiness

    5. Practice Forgiveness

    Forgiveness should only be for yourself. Forgiveness is not forgetting, but accepting the past, and learning from it.

    Recognize that mistakes are only a chance for growth and change, and allow yourself to forgive.

    Get Your 30 Day Gratitude Challenge Worksheet

    Start your journey of gratitude and self discovery

      6. Practice Gratitude

      Gratitude is a key part of our happiness. It changes our perspective on life, and promotes positive thinking.

      If you make gratitude a priority, love and peace will follow.

      Check out The Importance of Gratitude for more information

      self love, self discovery, self growth, happiness, positivity

      7. Acknowledge Your Emotions

      Let yourself fell ALL the emotions that come up. Don’t push them aside.

      Be kind to yourself, and listen to what your body and mind need.

      8. Nurture Your Passions

      Life gets busy, and it’s easy to keep our focus on a few things. But why limit yourself?

      Give yourself time to explore drives you. Don’t limit yourself to what others need from you.

      This is your life, and it’s important to prioritize ourselves first.

      9. Speak Your Truth

      In order to love every part of ourselves, we must live our beliefs and values.

      Put thought and consideration into your core values. Learn about yourself, and be true to who you are and what you believe, even if society tells you differently.

      10. Let Go of Things You Cannot Control

      Let go of things you cannot control. Trust that the universe will provide you with everything you need.

      We’re not meant to know everything. Focus on trusting the decisions you make, and watch your path unfold.

      Check out ThePowerOfLettingGo to dive deeper into the things we cannot control.

      self love, self discovery, self growth, happiness, positivity

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